Sunday, March 11, 2012

Laura Ann Jacobs in the news

Laura Ann that is receiving recognition in The Huffington Post and Juxtapoz for her beautiful (and satirical) pieces. Click here to read the article about Laura Ann's amazing work.

Diane Savona at Fiber Philadelphia

Diane has been very busy at Fiber Philadelphia which opened last weekend. In addition to curating a show titled Mending=Art, she has a gorgeous piece in the Outside/Inside the Box which is featured on the slide show for the Fiber Philadelphia website.

Congratulations Diane!

Miriam at the Printed Book in NOLA

Miriam posted that she has three pieces in this show in New Orleans. Bravo Miriam!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Our artists: April Dauscha

April Dauscha is the newest member of our exhibit. Her pieces are wonderful depictions of women's struggles with body image, desires and empowerment.

April Dauscha's series Exposed: An Armory of Physical Longings investigates the idea of body armor. The corsets are part of an imaginary wardrobe that serves to protect and accommodate women in their body processes and their mental states. They are uniforms that provide strength and empowerment. They speak of her desires and struggles. They seek beauty in her burdens. April Dauscha is currently a graduate student at Virginia Commonwealth University studying Fiber in the Craft/Material Studies Department. She looks towards Costume History, traditional Catholic rituals, and themes in 19th century literature to feed her obsession with ritual, reconciliation and communication through dress.